to allow read and write access to all: > chmod ugo+rw code.q.to allow a file to be executed as a program: > chmod ugo+x myProg # myProg should be compiled code or a shell script.File permissions: ls -al will show the permissions for the ’user’, ’group’, ’other’ > scp :/data/file.txt ~/research/renamed.txt 6. Copying and removing > cp > cp -r > cp -rp # preserves timestamps and other metainfo (VERY handy for tracing your workflows if you move files between machines) > mkdir > rm > rm -r > rm -rf # CAREFUL! To copy between machines, we can use scp, which has similar options to cp: > scp file.txt :~/research/.

Moving around > cd /home/paciorek/teaching/243 > cd ~paciorek/teaching/243 > cd ~/teaching/243 > cd 243 # provided I am in ’teaching’ > cd. What’s in a directory? > ls > ls -a > ls -alĤ. Files are stored in directories (aka folders) that are in a (inverted) directory tree, with “/” as the root of the tree 2. can be directed to me (not consult).Ģ Files and directories 1. Questions/problems regarding accounts should be sent to ’manager’.” Note that for the purpose of this class, questions about application packages, languages, libraries, etc. For information/questions on the use of application packages (e.g., R, SAS, Matlab), programming languages and libraries send mail to ’consult’.
For questions not answered there, the SCF help page requests: “please report any problems regarding equipment or system software to the SCF staff by sending mail to ’trouble’ or by reporting the problem directly to room 498/499. More generally, the department computing FAQs is the place to go for answers to questions about SCF.

1 Connecting to a UNIX machine from See the file on bspace on connecting remotely to SCF.