- #Mysql workbench cannot connect to localhost how to
- #Mysql workbench cannot connect to localhost software
HeidiSQL has a TCP/IP over tunnel option when setting up a database session. Its main advantage is that it is lightweight and has very fast startup. It lets you view and edit data, tables, and other database objects. HeidiSQL is a free, full-featured MySQL GUI application for Windows. If you want to connect securely to MySQL from a Windows XP/7/2003/2008 machine, you have several options. mysql -hlocalhost -P 3307 -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORDĮRROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user (using password: YES) This command will fail because hostname is set to localhost. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. This command will succeed because hostname is set to The commands below assume you have added the appropriate entry to the er table in the destination server. mysql -host= -port=3307 MySQL command to connect via SSH tunnel Use the command below to test the MySQL connection over the SSH tunnel. # -M 5122 - Port used by autossh to check connectivity. # -L - The tunnel will forward port 3307 on the local server to port 3306 # When server is rebooted, start up the SSH /usr/bin/autossh -M 5122 -N -L 3307:localhost:3306 & This assumes you have set up public-private key authentication for the SSH command already. This is useful for a secure replication master-slave setup between two servers, where setting up SSL is too cumbersome. Setting up an AutoSSH Tunnel for MySQL on Linux/FreeBSDĪutoSSH will prevent the tunnel from dropping due to network failures, etc. When connecting over an SSH tunnel, the MySQL client does not correctly handle 'localhost'. If you receive a MySQL error "Access denied for user" when connecting over an SSH tunnel, then try setting the server hostname to '' instead of 'localhost'.
#Mysql workbench cannot connect to localhost how to
If you receive an Access denied for user or Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' error when connecting via your tunnel, some tips are provided for how to solve the errors.
#Mysql workbench cannot connect to localhost software
Some recommended software is suggested for securing your MySQL connections. This article contains instructions and troubleshooting hints for connecting to MySQL over an SSH tunnel. § Home > Index > Troubleshooting MySQL over Secure SSH Tunnel Notes